What good is a Backyard without any dogs sniffing around?
To usher in the dog days of the long President's Day weekend, we offer you the resident companions of our own backyards:
My mellow yellow Labrador Charlie recently starred in a Bayer
spot I shot in Toronto.
-Phil Brown (Director)

Olive was a rescue, so when asked what breed she is I say "part chihuaha, part cute." Our best guess is chihuahua - dachshund - beagle.
-Karen Chen (Freelance Producer)
Maverick is his own dog. You know the type.
-Roy Skillicorn, Partner
He is 1 year old and a true lover boy. I rescued him and
got him fixed last week, but the hormones haven't quite leveled off yet.
He is wonderful with people and kids but still tries to climb aboard pretty
much every dog he sees.
-Virginia (Public Relations)
A purebred Labrador, this girl was the runt of the litter-
believe it or not. She will be celebrating her ninth birthday this May.
-Jason Wolk (Freelance Producer)